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The Franklin Farm is a certified organic family farm located in the southern Vermont town of Guilford.

Franklin Farm Whole Grain Pancakes

Blog about VT Maple Syrup and our family farm.

Blog about making VT Maple Syrup and our family farm.

Franklin Farm Whole Grain Pancakes


Back when David’s father Bill Franklin was growing up here in Guilford, pancakes were served every morning at breakfast. Most of the time with maple syrup, but also with left over gravy from supper the night before. They were wholesome and filled everybody up till dinner was served at noon. Here on the farm we still eat them two or three times a week instead of boxed cereal.

Franklin Farm Whole Grain Pancakes

  • 1 Cup whole milk*

  • 1 Tbsp. vinegar or lemon juice

  • 1 Tbsp. mild oil (such as sunflower, canola, vegetable)

  • 1 large fresh egg

  • 1/2 Cup white flour**

  • 1/2 Cup whole wheat flour**

  • 1/2 Cup whole oats

  • 1/4 Cup corn meal

  • 1/2 tsp. each: baking powder, baking soda, and sea salt


*You can use low fat or skim milk but you will have to add another Tbsp. of oil.

** These pancakes work really well with Bob’s Red Mill 1:1 Gluten Free flour.

1. Mix wet ingredients in a medium sized bowl. 

2. Mix dry ingredients together well.

3. Combine wet and dry. Stir well. If too thick, thin with a little milk or water. 

Add fruit if you like. We like blueberries and/or raspberries. Another favorite is apples and cinnamon.

Generously oil a griddle or heavy fry pan. Drop batter by the spoonful into hot oil. Cook on first side till bubbles appear and edges look a little dry. Flip and cook a minute or so more. Pile on a plate and serve with plenty of Franklin Farm Maple Syrup.
